puddles of jam.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


passover is almost halfway done.
have you ever heard that mazto is a bit binding...
it's true. believe me.
everything you need to know about flour-less
baking is in this book. i just love a well used cookbook!
where all good (floridian) jewish family recipes comes from.
(my mom did the cover and her recipes are all over the place!)
pesach on shabbat.....
burning down the house.
i love my dad's seder style- quick & dirty
and it's time to eat!
the orange belongs on the seder plate like a.....
we all took turns reading the 4 questions.
lea, obviously was the wicked son.
we like to keep it pretty traditional...
we use (and always have) the maxwell house haggadah!
obama & friends also use the max-house haggadah.
some people say we look alike?
(yes, the puffy dark circles under our eyes are the same)
my fabulous cori's matzo crunch recipes 
and molly macaroons!
time for a sugar shock!
chag sameach my friends!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic pictures of your beautiful family and Seder. Chag sameach!
