puddles of jam.

Monday, September 30, 2013

book club.

i hope this isn't a coincidence
but the next book in my book club
just happens to be gone girl.
ladies, you better read the book.
book clubs are the fabric of female friendships...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

1095 days.

wishing my sweet slim a very happy
anniversary today!
it was 3 years ago today we danced
our first dance as husband and wife.
it was ray lamontagne's 
you are the best thing 
it just keeps getting better,
and you just keep getting better looking!
lucky me.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

my grandma ruth.

my beloved granmother, ruth
passed away last week, peacefully in her sleep.
a lot of people have been asking me, 
was it sudden or expected?
when i say she was in hospice care & 90 years old
people often think that it must have been expected
but it wasn't. i was not ready to loose her.
she still had so much life to give & share.
although her body was getting weak, her mind was so clear.
she could remember the oldest memories, and also
ask about everyday things like my work & my friends.
she loved sweet treats and the new york yankees.
she loved my outfits & jewlery & always made me feel like
i was the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen.
she thought jim was such a good man &
believed we were a great pair.
i'll miss her stories & holding her hand.
 i miss her smile & her laugh.

Ruth 1:16
from the book of ruth.

just for today.

Good morning..you are beautiful in so many ways...love you lots....

Thursday, September 12, 2013

moisture problem.

we have a serious "moisture problem"
some might call it mold or mildew or dampness.
we have a lot of closet space.
 i use almost all of lea's closet, 
 (yes, our guest room is named lea's room)
half of our bedroom's closet & the hall closet.
with all that space, and the recent wet weather & our sweet 
old house's inability to "air out" i have found some 
of my beloved material objects fury & gross.
i placed a bunch of shoes in their boxes up
there in the closet thinking the would be safe..
my wedding shoes & much loved boots & booties 
(see there, i still have my sixpence in my shoe!)
got the mold! i flipped and quickly read how to get rid
of mold/mildew...they say a good vinegar scrub
 & direct sunlight should do the trick...
luckily we had a few very sunny days.
i'm so looking forward to cooler weather so 
hopefully i can clean everything out & get rid of
any residual moisture that might be growing.
my fingers are crossed.

paul, the marker artist.

one of the artists from my tuesday
open studio art group at the tower
went solo last week & showed off his
beautiful art in the marietta square's
 monthly art walk.
i am really proud of paul and his ability
to create, market & sell his funky work.
check him out next time you're near the square!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

southern love.

saw this awesome list at harry's last night
i love the south because my sweet slim is here...
 and the big chicken & peaches & the braves.