puddles of jam.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

sister, sister.

watch out for the nuns on the bus!
here's yours truly with sister simone campbell
last night at our convention watch party.
she spoke so beautifully and i was inspired.
"we are all our brothers keepers and our sisters keepers"
moma was so excited- are you guys watching??


  1. Love all your pics on this post and the next one. Great t-shirt! Sister Simone Campbell was so excellent, I loved what she said.

    My favorite is Moma's paw on her Jimbo. I know she is a hard core Democrat like her pal Stella. What are Jack's political views?

    1. mr. jack is a staunch gop-er. being a purebred bird hunting dog, he just naturally believes he's superior.
      he's still angry we brought two mutts into the house...
