puddles of jam.

Monday, August 20, 2012

nose ring re-visit

the summer b4 my freshman year of college i
got my nose pierced. i loved it.
i had it for about a year b4 i took it out.
i've been thinking about getting it re-pierced
and wearing a small, thin hoop instead of the stud
i wore before. i think it's super cute & funky.
adorable nose ring
check out this cool chick- very small & simple ring.
nose ring
what do you think? should i do it?


  1. Do it!!!Because your a cool chick too!!


  2. First of all, I love D's reply!

    I can not picture it so I don't know what I will think, but if you want to I say go for it!
    What I can say for certain is that although Gloria goes not read your blog, she thinks YES YES YES, DO IT!

  3. It goes with some of the message of the blog - change yourself. Its a minor change but if it makes you happy, go for it!
