puddles of jam.

Monday, June 25, 2012


have you seen girls?
lea & i have been watching it on projectfreetv.com.
the show is very entertaining.
it's cringe-worthy, crazy funny & honest.
the shows star & creator, lena dunham is 
really ridiculous & funny & impressive. i like her. 
if you haven't seen the show- see it.


  1. seriously? big change of heart, molly. The sexism doesn't bother you anymore?

  2. Marlo and I agree with you Molly. Check it out:

  3. That's nice that you agree, Cori. I wasn't attacking Molly, just surprised because this perky post is a total 180 from a recent convrsation we shared. http://www.racialicious.com/2012/04/19/dear-lena-dunham-i-exist/

  4. It didn't sound like you were attacking her at all.
    I thought it was funny that right after I was reading this post I was on the Huff Post and found one of my favorites, Marlo Thomas, talking about Girls. I agreed with her and liked what she had to say and the perspective of women in tv in front of and behind the camera. Check out the slideshow of women and tv at the end- very cool.
    The link you posted was so interesting, I liked reading such a spot on decription of the lack of any real diversity. Take care!

  5. Great article, Cori!sometimes i find myself focusing on the problematics instead of embracing the triumphs of our sisters. I really love Marlo Thomas, too. Thanks you so much for helping me to re-frame my cynicism, and embrace the tremendous amount of progress in women's opportunities in all aspects of the medium. All of these women's (menstrual ) blood, sweat, and tears are contributing to a more equitable and WAY funnier world of television. If we want to be visible and powerful, we have to do it ourselves. Here, here! Ps: racial silence is a real issue on Girls, as it is on most shows, but from what i've read lena dunham takes the criticism seriously, and i have high hopes that the next season will feature a cast that looks more like brooklynites.
