puddles of jam.

Friday, April 5, 2013

feeling the love.

i can't begin to describe the feelings i've felt during the past 24 hours.
i've been beyond nervous for the past few days/months 
preparing for my licensure exam. i tried to prepare myself
for both outcomes, passing or failing.
the goal of becoming an lcsw, a licensed clinical social worker
has been a dream & goal of mine since my early years as a social
work undergraduate student at western carolina.
i've never felt my heart beat as fast as it did yesterday as i waited
for the instant results to appear after i completed the 170
multiple choice questions in the stale, chilly computer testing room.
once the words PASSED appeared i was overwhelmed with
comfort and relief. the testing center lady was sweet & told me to relax
now that it was all over. she was kind & probably thought i was crazy. 
slim came home with beautiful yellow tulips and the
sweetest card. he always writes the most sincere & loving cards.
my amazingly fabulous cori, along with other colleagues
showered me with office signage & congratulations & email love.

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